Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Scary Pig

Our local farm store had odd ceramic pig planters. Murphy was sure they were real hogs. Shopping often provides us with training opportunities.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Believe First

Murphy brought William a pillowcase she found in the laundry and sat in front of him. William told me that she was behaving a bit strangely. She brought the same pillowcase to me. Dexcom CGM said he was 107 flat, a nice, steady flat blood glucose. Was this an alert? 

I told William to test, just in case. He was 78 actual finger stick. Within the half hour, the CGM read 48 mg/dL, although William contends he was not that low based on symptoms. He had, however, already treated with carbs because of Murphy's alert. Likely, he would have been 48 had he not had the jump on it. 

At this stage, it is sometimes hard to believe or be sure she is alerting. The alerts are not consistent or clear. I think what we've come to realize is that William is often lower - in the 70s or 80s - and this doesn't concern Murphy. She is used to it. She does, however, clearly pick up on highs and rapid decreases. 

We have to believe first, followed up by a reality check. She just alerted again today - he was 77 and dropping, not flat. Good girl!