This morning after breakfast. Murphy nudged me hard in the thigh. This is not something she does to ask for treats or anything else. William said he felt fine and a finger stick said his BG was 110 and Dex said he was steady. I reminded him that the dog will likely be 15 minutes ahead of finger sticks and Dex if he is dropping.
William and Murphy retreated to their bedroom to work on homework. Ten minutes later, William was back. "I'm dropping." Dex still held steady. Finger stick was 117 mg/dL. William decided to trust Murphy and drank some juice. He had himself felt he was dropping after paying attention because of the alert.
Two hours later, he's 124 flat. Two hours postprandial is usually when he will be the highest because of the meal. This means that he will go down from this 124 and could have been low if he had not taken the juice.
The dog outperformed the Dex this time. It's not that we wouldn't have caught the low or drop eventually, but if she tells us he is dropping, we can treat it before it becomes a low. That's pretty awesome.
Note: Dex here refers to the Dexom G5 continuous glucose monitor, which is also pretty awesome but not nearly as cute and loving as Murphy
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