Yesterday evening, we went to a youth group outing at an entertainment center. It was quite a sensory overload for a young pup, but she did well the first hour. Lights, noises, tons of people, bowling alley, you name it. She did very well, but I took her to the car with me to wait after the hour was up. It was a lot to ask of her to stay any longer. Her cue was that she barked, which she has never done before in public.

Alerts: Last night, William had a pod (pump) change right before bed. They sometimes cause BGs to rise if the pump site was going bad (not delivering insulin well). He added a bucket of insulin and went to sleep. I stayed up, making sure not too much. When I went in to check, Murphs practically cried! "Finally," she whined. She was alerting to the high, but because the door was shut, could not come get me. (This is to keep her from wandering in the night.) I showed her that I was fixing it, gave her a taste of peanut butter, and she went back to sleep. Note that normally, she sleeps through the night and only lifts her head when I come in to check him. Good alert, Murphy!
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