It was near the end of his endocrinologist visit when Murphy stirred, asleep under my chair. The doctor frowned and said, "Oh, there's a dog under there!" This is probably the best compliment a (Diabetic Alert Dog) DAD trainer could receive. He then began telling us that in his (unsolicited) opinion, a DAD was unnecessary with continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technology.
Murphy dozing on bleachers at
William's basketball game
This dog, I explained, was being trained in time to be at her peak when William will go of to college. In addition, I was hoping that she will help him learn to awake at night when low. Well, the doctor continued, we could not rely upon the dog! The dog may not wake up!
This I know. I also know that William regularly sleeps through Dexcom CGM alarms, pod alarms, and fire alarms. Perhaps this will improve with age, but a persistent dog may be able to wake him when away at college. The doctor continued, "Well, can't you just call him on the phone if he is low?" Well, yes, but if he can't hear the CGM alarm what would be different enough to hear a phone ringtone?
I stopped him from all the "put a receiver in a metal bowl with pennies" advice because I've heard it. And, I get it - he doesn't see the need for the dog. He also, three years ago, saw little use for a CGM and detested Omnipod (insulin pumps). Now, he's advising that we rely on it, and only it. For us, it's all about layers of security. I totally get that this dog is not a guarantee. Life doesn't come with guarantees.